Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles
The vial contains a mixture of 3.0 – 3.4 µm Rainbow Particles that are dyed to eight different fluorescent intensities. Every Rainbow Particle contains a mixture of fluorophores that are excited at any wavelength from 365 – 650 nm. The Rainbow Particles have emission spectra compatible with many common fluorophores used for immunofluorescent staining with flow cytometric analysis.
Consists of a single peak for optical alignment of any flow cytometer in all channels from UV to Far Red
• Determine if the flow cell is clean and without fluidic blockage
• Measures the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distribution to determine the functionality of flow cytometers.
New flow cytometers, with fluorescent channels from the UV to Far Red, and corresponding fluorescent conjugates are now available. As a result, we have developed the Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles with enhanced UV and Far Red fluorescence intensity. The Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles contain a single peak and are designed for checking the optical alignment of any flow cytometer in all channels.
SPHEROTM Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles for Beckman Coulter Cytometers
Consists of a single peak for performance verification of Beckman Coulter flow cytometers
• Determine cleanliness of the flow cell and fluidics
These Rainbow Calibration Particles are a mixture of 3.0 – 3.4 μm particles, dyed to six different fluorescent intensities. As their excitation range is 365 – 650 nm, they can be used with most lasers. However, they are not for use with the UV laser. The emission spectra of these rainbow particles is compatible with many common fluorophores used in immunofluorescent staining with flow cytometric analysis.
SPHERO Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles
A single population of Rainbow Fluorescent Particles with enhanced UV and Far Red fluorescence intensity
Spherotech offers a wide variety of particles for determining if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and fun