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Plants is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed and open access journal published monthly online by MDPI. The Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS), the Spanish Society of Phytopathology (SEF), the Spanish Society of Plant Physiology (SEFV), the Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences (SECH) and the Italian Society of Phytotherapy (SIFit.) Are affiliated. With Plants and its members they receive a discount on item processing costs.
Open Access: Free to readers, with Article Processing Charges (APC) paid by the authors or their institutions.
High visibility: indexed in Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, AGRICOLA, AGRIS, CAPlus / SciFinder and many other databases.
Journal Ranking: JCR - Q1 (Plant Sciences) / CiteScore - Q2 (Plant Sciences)
Rapid publication: manuscripts are peer reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 12.3 days after submission; acceptance for publication is made in 3.4 days (average values ​​for articles published in this journal in the first half of 2021).
Reviewer Recognition: Reviewers who provide timely and comprehensive peer review reports receive coupons that entitle them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, as a thank you for their work.
Impact factor: 3.935 (2020)
Subject Imprint Information get_app Journal Flyer Open Access ISSN: 2223-7747
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Comparative analysis of the effect of carbon and titanium ion irradiation on morphoanatomic and biochemical traits of Dolichos melanophthalmus DC. Seedlings destined for space exploration
by Veronica De Micco, Sara De Francesco, Chiara Amitrano and Carmen Arena
Plants 2021, 10 (11), 2272; (registering DOI) - October 23, 2021
Abstract Conducting manned missions for space exploration requires the development of bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) to make human colonies resource self-sufficient. In fact, in these systems, plants contribute to the regeneration of resources and the production of food. However, the cultivation of plants [...] Read more.
(This article belongs to the special issue Effects of chronic radiation on plants)
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Temporal control of the expression of the morphogenic factor determines the efficiency to improve regeneration
by Juan H. González, Joseph S. Taylor, Kelsey M. Reed, R. Clay Wright, and Basiaan O. R. Bargmann
Plants 2021, 10 (11), 2271; (registering DOI) - October 23, 2021
Abstract Background: The regeneration of fertile plants from tissue cultures is a critical bottleneck in the application of new plant breeding technologies. Ectopic overexpression of morphogenic factors is a promising solution to this obstacle. Methods: Conditional overexpression of WUS and ARF5Δ was used for [...] Read more.
(This article belongs to the special issue Plant regeneration and organ formation)
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Molecular hydrogen: Is this a viable new treatment for plants in the UK?
by John T. Hancock, Tyler W. LeBaron, Jennifer May, Adam Thomas, and Grace Russell
Plants 2021, 10 (11), 2270; (registering DOI) - October 22, 2021
Summary Despite being tested in other regions of the world, the use of molecular hydrogen (H2) to enhance plant growth and post-harvest storage of crops has not yet been widely accepted in the UK. The evidence that the treatment of plants [...] Read more.
(This article belongs to the New Trends in UK Plant Science collection)
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Taxonomic review of hook-forming Acrosorium (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Northwest Pacific based on morphological and molecular data
by Jeong Chan Kang, Showe-Mei Lin, Kathy Ann Miller, and Myung Sook Kim
Plants 2021, 10 (11), 2269; (registering DOI) - October 22, 2021
Summary The cosmopolitan species of Acrosorium with hook-forming thalli have coalesced under the name Acrosorium ciliolatum (Harvey) Kylin through a long and complicated history of nomenclature. We examined the specimens of 'A. ciliolatum 'and related taxa from the Pacific Northwest (Northwest), UK, South [...] Read more.
(This article belongs to the special issue Biodiversity in marine plants)
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The role of flavonoids in the diurnal rhythm under rapidly changing ultraviolet conditions